Monday, January 31, 2011

What To Do on a 75 Degree Oklahoma Saturday in January when You are on a Budget and a Diet

Wake up and check the weather.

Clean the bathroom to feel productive.

Throw the tennis ball for your dog from the comfort of a chair on the deck.


Enjoy an avocado sandwich: Swiss cheese, mixed greens, avocado, tomato, mayo on wheat berry.

Drive your new car, with the windows and sunroof open, to QT for a cold drink.

Join friends on the El Guapo roof top for margaritas and Mexican food... despite the obvious lack of organization and concern from the entire waitstaff... because it is the only rooftop in town.

Head next door to The Max for skee ball.

And most importantly, enjoy every minute of this day because this is looming...

1 comment:

Christine said...

SO much fun!!! I want to go back to this day right now!