Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 Resolutions

I have two very simple resolutions this year...

1) Lead a healthier life: 

Physically:  Starting with the Novolife Cleanse, I hope to change my self image and get to feeling more comfortable in my skin.  The cleanse is going great!  My plans for when it is over?  One dinner and one lunch per week is all I am allowed to eat out.  I will make a shake for breakfast consisting of Slimfast (yum), plain yogurt, banana, ice, and skim milk.  For lunch, Progresso or Healthy Choice soup, low sodium Saltine crackers, and low sodium V8.  Dinners are more flexible, but I look forward to cooking more now that I have some great new kitchen tools!

At work: Some days I feel like my attitude needs a little revamping.  Work can be stressful, but my job is really pretty fun!  I should realize that every day.

Spiritually:  In 2010, I think I went to church twice.  Nick, his mom, and I went to Midnight Mass this Christmas Eve, and it felt great!  I plan to attend Mass much more in 2011, and I look forward to re-discovering all of the parishes in Tulsa, now as an adult.

2) Stress less:

This could have probably been included in No. 1, but for me, it needs its own number.  Some people are born with the ability to just go with the flow.  Unfortunately, I am not one of those people.  Pretty much every situation makes me nervous.  Riding in a car, driving a car, navigating, being in crowded places, being alone, drinking, being sober, skiing, having people out to the lake, cooking, paying bills, cleaning... I could go on and on.  I have learned though that if I try hard enough, I can suppress the nerves and enjoy my life.  While I fully anticipate that this change will make my life much more pleasant, I must admit that this resolution is not just for myself.  It is for Nick, the most fantastic boyfriend in the world.  See, he is one of those people who was born to go with the flow.  I think if this change isn't made in my life, I'll drive him completely insane.

I've had some pretty great years recently.  Here's to another!  Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Those sound good! I'm going to copy you on the church thing.. We only went twice this year too.. Time to step it up.