Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 6

Only shakes today, and it was a breeze!  Of course, I still want food... but it isn't because I am hungry.  It is just because food is yummy!

I've realized that in my updating, I haven't really explained what this cleanse is all about.  Contrary to popular belief, this is not a rid-your-body-of-everything cleanse.  It is more of a starve-yourself-of-everything-your-body-doesn't-need cleanse.  It consists of three substances:

Chocolate Protein Meal (it is pretty yummy really).  It also comes in vanilla.  (Kellie, who turned me on to this crazy crash diet, says the vanilla tastes like cake batter.  I don't believe her.)  It is full of all kinds of vitamins and protein.

The Ultra Cleanse (grossness).  Also contains lots of crazy vitamins

And the Meta Boost capsules. You take one of these twice a day for 30 days, beginning on Day 1 of the cleanse.  Apparently, they help to speed up your metabolism to help burn fat more quickly.

The 7 day schedule looks a little like this.

The jury is still out on if I think it is worth it, but it has definitely changed the way I think about food.   ANYTHING sounds good.  I no longer think I need a cheeseburger twice a day.  (In the last year, I have had two cheeseburgers a day... or the equivalent... more times than I would like to admit.)  While I thought I would starve to death a few times, my body and mind have functioned normally throughout... except I have slept way better.  I'm not yet finished, and it is yet to be seen if my follow up plan (tune in tomorrow) will be followable... but as of now, it seems to be the perfect way to kick off a new, healthier life style.

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