Friday, January 21, 2011

There's an App for That!

For those of you who didn't hear me blabbing about it this summer, I presented, conceptualized, and built a mobile app for the business college at TU!  While TU is quite a traditional University, I had to convince the powers that be that this app was worth the time and money that we would certainly have to spend.  After months of seeking approval and input from others around the college, I began building.  It took me the better part of Summer 2010.

There is a bio and contact info for each faculty member..

There is a description for each course offered...

There is a list of important dates so our students can keep on top of things...

There is directions and parking information for campus visitors...

 There is even a place to request information if you are thinking of pursuing a degree at TU!

While I always knew it, I received confirmation this week that it was not weeks months wasted.  Bob Johnson, a marketing consultant for colleges and universities, used our app as a positive example of mobile marketing at a nation wide conference for advanced graduate professionals!  See slides 50-60 in his presentation.

One point for the social media junkie in the business college at a 120 year old university!

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