Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 7: The End

Just shakes today to finish it out (was the plan... until I went to the Brook for the National Championship Game and had half of a low card beef quesadilla, a basket of chips and guac, and a glass of wine.... oops).  I took my measurements (before the Brook) and calculated the loss... Not bad for 7 days work.

My favorite parts: arms, abdomen, hips.
My least favorite parts: chest.

The plan to stay healthy now that the cleanse is finished?
  • One dinner and one lunch per week is all I am allowed to eat out.  (The Brook last night leaves me with zero dinners remaining for this week.)
  • I will make a shake for breakfast consisting of Slimfast (yum), plain yogurt, banana, ice, and skim milk.  
  • For lunch, Progresso or Healthy Choice soup, low sodium Saltine crackers, and low sodium V8.
  • Dinners are more flexible, but I look forward to cooking more.  Tonight, I am fixing Layered Taco Salad Bake (from Pearls, Handcuffs, and Happy Hour).  While it isn't the picture of health, it's better than going out and stuffing ourselves.  Baby steps, people!
*See the other ways in which I plan to stay healthy in 2011.*

Tidbits about the cleanse:
  1. Food loses its taste, so if you cave and pig out, you won't even enjoy it.
  2. Your body really does adjust.  The hunger starts to subside about Day 3.
  3. I slept WORLDS better than I normally do.
  4. My energy level remained normal throughout, even though I had no caffeine during the cleanse.
  5. Even Slimfast and Healthy Choice soup sounds amazing after you've done this cleanse for 7 days.
Final Verdict:  I reiterate that the cleanse is an excellent way to jump start a healthy new lifestyle when it comes to eating habits.  I have a feeling, though, that all the lbs and inches could be regained in a hurry if I'm not careful.


Christine said...

Way to go Patti! I want to lost an inch of my arms! That's awesome!

Unknown said...

Nice work Patti! I try to workout outside and do bootcamp type exercies/run when the weather is nice. Callie Gresham did it with me a few times. Hit me up if you ever want to join. Working out with a partner is so much more fun!