Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lake Season Begins

Last Saturday after lots of chores, Nick and I decided that we'd go out to the lake for the afternoon.  It was sunny and about 75, and we both desperately needed to work on our tans.

We turned on some music, and I drank beer and read a gossip magazine while Nick studied.   It's not easy being a princess.  :)

Then, towards the end of the afternoon, Nick got a glimpse of some prime wakeboarding water.

I thought, There's no way he is going to get in that water.  (The temperature gauge read 63 degrees.)  Next thing I know, ropes are out and he's suiting up.

WOOOOO that's cold!

Of course, once he gets in the water, we realize there is a knot in the rope.  He was NOT pleased.

He got in two good pulls and then decided that he better get out before hypothermia set in.

Great first Saturday at the lake!  Stay tuned for our AWESOME new lake toy.  I can't wait to tell y'all about it!

Happy May!

1 comment:

Christine said...

JEALOUS!!! And what's the new toy?! The suspense is killing me!