Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving Cooking

Typically, I spend Thanksgiving running from family to family trying to squeeze everything in.  First, it was always Dad's family, then Mom's, then Aunt Mary's, and then Nick's.  This year, everyone decided to eat on the same day at the same time.  While I was bummed I didn't get to see everyone, I was happy to just relax!  And I was also glad to have time to make my contribution to dinner this year!

(From Pioneer Woman... my hero!)

It only has 3 ingredients!  Cranberries, Pomegranate juice, and sugar.

12-16 oz fresh cranberries, 16 oz pomegranate juice, 3/4 cup sugar.

Cook it on low-med heat for 20 minutes.  SO easy and yum yum!

Another Thanksgiving staple...  the beeeeeeeeans!  (I doubled the recipe, FYI.)

(Thanks, Pioneer Woman, for the recipe and some of these pics!)

Some ingredients

End of step 1

 What makes it good... bacon.

Onion and garlic

Saute bacon, onion, and garlic.

Cheeses, flour, half and half, and whole milk.  YUM.

 ... and throw in a stick of butter.  Why not?

 A lil nutmeg

Cheese cheese cheese!


Cover the green beans in the bacon, milk, cheese combo and get ready to bake.

Breadcrumbs on top...

Bake and ENJOY!

I was slightly more adventurous with this next dish.  It comes HIGHLY recommended, but with a few additions to the original recipe.  Nick and I enjoyed this on the night before we separated to conquer Thanksgivings solo.

 (From Martha)


First into the pan...

Next, add the cheeeeeeeeeeese!


Then comes the pumpkin!

Stir in the pasta.

More cheese and breadcrumbs, and bake!

I sauteed up  a little spinach with butter, balsamic, and garlic... you know, for antioxidants.

All done and ready to enjoy!

We cracked open a special bottle of wine!  I got this when I was in California for Ashley and Michael's wedding in late October.  It is made at the winery located on the horse whisper's ranch.

Pretty dang good!
If you aren't careful, the mac and cheese can come out a little bland.  Be very generous with the salt and pepper, make sure to use sharp cheddar, and you might add a touch of cinnamon.  (I also thought about garlic, but I like garlic with everything.  :)

I hope everyone enjoys!  Can't wait for more cooking adventures next year.

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